Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bye-Bye 2008!

During this last weekend of the year, we did a couple fitting activities. On Saturday, we saw the move The Tale of Desperaux. Since we are nearing the end of the Year of the Rat (Mouse) and the starring role was a mouse character, this was a good choice to seek out. On Sunday, we attended a really cool presentation at the Hurst Planetarium about the winter solstice and holidays. Afterwards we went for hot chocolate and coffee and later that evening, took out the telescope and looked at the winter sky with new appreciation. On Monday, it was a drive into the city to one of our favorite destinations - Detroit's Mexicantown. We shopped at the Honeybee Market and had lunch at our favorite - El Comal - Guatemalan dishes are their speciality. We now have delicious salsa, chips, tortillas and other "real" latino foods in the house again!

At the supermercado:

Lunch with friends: (clockwise)- C., Danny, Patty, Tracy, Jasen, Frank and E.

On the way home, we stopped to see our friends Linda and Yensi for some holiday cheer. Happy New Year!

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